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Outreach Groups

Three groups help put cancer treatment/care in a cultural context by addressing the cultural challenges, disparity in treatment, and engaging the health system. Community outreach and advocacy work within Communities of Color are helping to break down barriers to healthcare, educate on cancer health and the importance of screening, and inform individuals about our free support programs and the resources available.

Three distinct groups – Men of Color, Latinos Unidos Contra Cáncer Group and the Advocacy Group – meet monthly to determine how to best promote Cancer Support Community at Gilda’s Club services and cancer screening materials within their respective communities.

Outreach Groups (click to enlarge)

Men of Color Group (MOC)

Men of Color Group Photo (click to enlarge)

Our Men of Color Group focuses on cancer awareness and changing mindsets about men's health. Despite higher risks of several cancer types, men of color are often reluctant to screenings, programs, and other health services. Participants in this group understand historical and cultural reasons for avoiding the health care system. Members use their collective knowledge to encourage men to overcome their fear and resistance to the health care system. Recently, this group hosted a men's breakfast providing an open forum for discussing cancer-related issues in a safe and welcoming environment. They plan to host similar events in the future to continue the dialogue and provide a supportive network.

  • Completed a cancer awareness initiative (3 for 3 Campaign) encouraging over 100 males to get screened for cancer types (i.e., prostate, colorectal, and lung cancer) that disproportionately impact men of color.
    • 3 for 3 Campaign was an outreach effort focused on cancer awareness among men by addressing concerns around having a doctor, keeping up with doctor visits, and having age-appropriate cancer screenings.
  • Distributed free Colorectal Second Generation FIT Kits to men throughout the community.

Latinos Unidos Contra Cáncer Group (LUCC)

LUCC Group Photo (click to enlarge)

Founded in 2022, LUCC Group offers a safe and confidential space of friendship, compassion and support while also representing and reaching out to the Spanish speaking community. Members meet monthly to share their personal journeys, discuss their unique cultural experiences, challenges and barriers. They also celebrate their victories! Volunteers assist in disseminating information about health screenings, insurance and resources. They are dedicated and determined to bridge the gap with their outreach in order to change the local Latino cancer landscape.

In order to expand their efforts, they have partnered with many local organizations and groups including the Ibero American League, Rochester Hope, PODER Radio and St. Michael's Church. Their ethnic backgrounds are as diverse as they are with heritages from: Spain, Panama, Uruguay, Honduras, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Puerto Rico

  • As of May, 2024 they have:

    • Reached over 3,000 residents in the City of Rochester and rural areas through outreach events.
    • Created awareness of colon cancer and important screenings. 
    • Distributed over 4,000 cancer screening bilingual flyers to rural and urban Hispanic communities
    • Distributed 262 Second Generation Colon Cancer Screening FIT Kits.
    • Built relationships with the four quadrants in the City of Rochester for distribution of the flyer (NW, SW, NE, SE).
    • Volunteered over 750 hours of service.

Advocacy Group (AG)

Advocacy Group Photo (click to enlarge)

Our Advocacy Group promotes self-care and resources for people who assist cancer patients. Caregivers often experience stress as they support their relatives with cancer. The Advocacy Group also distributes information about cancer prevention and screening to other organizations within communities of color.

  • AG works to overcome medical mistrust among communities of color by providing information on how to engage doctors.
  • AG efforts focus on helping increase quality of care by working with community members, helping them be better prepared for doctor visits and be their own health advocates.
  • AG is currently engaged in creating greater awareness in communities of color around family medical history.